Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Response to “Energy”

You are an idiot to think that a presidential candidate will focus on issues like global warming, sorrowing oil prices, or co2 emissions. Every presidential candidate, Democrat or Republican will propose a plan to cut gas prices or help prevent global warming but will not act on their plan. They will give you empty promises and pass legislation that helps their biggest supporters. In the United States if you are finically poor you are on your own. As everybody knows the poor has always been screwed over by the rich. Always has and always will be. So get used to it!

link to Energy: http://killablane.blogspot.com/2007/11/energy.html

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Government secrets

Access to information is easily accessible, yet we live in an age of secrets. There are limitations on what the public knows about the government’s activities. There are a lot of documents the government keeps classified. Classified documents come from the Central Intelligence Agency, State Department, Department of Defense, White House, National Security Agency, and Federal Bureau of Investigation. The government has classified documents about the Iraq war, UFO’s sightings but, the government has also released secret documents such as, post-World War II government documents.
There are a lot of people scattered across the federal government with the authority to classify documents. They come from the Pentagon, CIA, Agriculture Department, and Environmental Protection Agency. In 2004 alone, “15.6 million documents were classified”, about “125 documents a minute”. The classification of documents are “costing about $7.2 billion” of the United States tax dollars every year.
The actual definition of a “secret document” is one that contains information whose disclosure would seriously damage the national security of the United States. What qualifies as a secret? It can be just about anything. Sometimes, documents are stamped secret to protect individuals or departments from embarrassment; like the CIA’s classification of its discovery of a plot to attack Santa Claus. Items that have been classified for years include foreign leaders’ birth dates. Even access to the Pentagon’s employee telephone directory now is restricted.
Most of us agree that some information should be withheld from the public for national security reasons. But what would you classify and for how long?

Increase in the Number of Documents Classified by the Government
Published: July 3, 2005
Washington post

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Retort: How the media has ruined Halloween.

The commentary was good. This past Halloween I saw children in groups of two or three collecting candy and creating mischief. Many children participate in Halloween, but the child’s parents are paranoid about strangers giving candy to their children. Many parents do not like to see their child harmed, but they need to let their child have fun. However, I never heard of single case where a child was abducted by a sex offender during Halloween. I believe it is the parent(s) that ruined Halloween by convincing children that all people they do not know are dangers.

I agree with you about the media’s portrayal of sex offenders at Halloween. The media reports about stories that capture attention of adults. Most of the media’s stories are about sex, corruption, abuse, and disasters. However, I never saw a child in my life watch an episode of a news broadcast. So, parents believe what they hear on television and it corrupts them. If you want to watch depressing shows turn you televisions on the news.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Death upon Texas

Capital punishment was legal until 1972, when the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional in Furman v. Georgia; stating that it violated the Eight and Fourteen Amendments, citing cruel and unusual punishment. However, in 1976, the Supreme Court reversed itself with Gregg v. Georgia and reinstated the death penalty but, not all states have the death penalty.

Karla Faye Tucker became the 146th person executed by Texas after the Supreme Court voted to reinstate the death penalty in 1976. Texas is the leader in killing the mentally retarded and children.

I am in favor of the death penalty, because innocent lives can be saved. I believe life is sacred. Therefore, one who takes a life should have his own life taken away.

The rate of relapse is high for people who commit murder and crimes. I feel murderers should be executed the first time they commit a murder because, chances are they will kill another innocent person again. We need stricter laws and swifter death penalty.

The death penalty laws today are too lenient for killers. People on death row can watch T.V. and enjoy their lives for another 20 years before they are executed. For the States that do not have the death penalty killers don’t have to fear execution. Many murders are premeditated.

Remember, one of your loved ones could be murdered. Can you imagine what it would be like to have your loved one murdered? There would be no words that can explain the loss of your loved one.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Destroying America's precious document


We need a new Constitution

The Los Angles Times, October 10, 2007

The United States is at a cross road to reform of the United States constitution. The people that want the constitution reformed are being taking advantage of by the government. It will take many years of work and lots money to reform the constitution. The amendment should not be written in hast gust for progress. The founding father emphasized the need of checks and balances to prevent tyranny.

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the nation. The Constitution of the United States has 27 amendments. The last amendment of the Constitution to date was written in 1992.

The American constitution gives individual freedoms to people so people can stop the government from taking avenge of them. The Constitution controls the government official’s power and give a voice to people that have a minority stance on an issue. The constitution of America is at full strength when the nation occupies a diverse population. The diverse interests of the nation keeps the government aware of issues that affect the nation.

The founding fathers were aware that changes to the Constitution would be necessary to continue the expected growth of the nation. They were also conscious that such change should not be easy. They also ensure that an overly rigid requirement of unity would not block action desired by the vast majority of the population. The document and its central ideals have survived through civil war, segregation, World War 1 and World War 2 with few changes.

link to Atical:

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Saving American lives


Blackwater's rich contracts

The New York Times, October 3

Blackwater is the State Department’s major private security contractor in Iraq. With the decreasing popularity of the Iraq war in the United States, increasing the amount of private security contractors will reduce the amount of American forces station in Iraq. Also private security contractors help the American military stabilize the sectarian violence in Iraq.

The Bush administration gives no-bid contracts to private contractors, because the administration wants the best mercenaries working with the American military in defeating terrorism in Iraq. The private contractors also relieve some of the strain on American forces. The private forces are performing military missions that are dangerous. The jobs of the private contractors are to complete missions which involve malicious action.

Former Bush administration officials are at executive positions of private security firms that receive contracts from the United States. Those officials like, Mr. Prince, make sure that federal contracts are given to them in order to keep the American solider working with the best private contractors that money can buy.

The private security contractors are providing many items for the American troops in Iraq. The private security contractors are being paid six times the amount of an American soldier, but the contractors are in more danger than an American soldier. The private contractors supply the American army with supplies like, food, transportation, bullets, armor, and medical care.

The United States cannot supply enough American troops in Iraq to contain the violence in Iraq. The private contractors are meant to help the American soldiers and provide relief for American soldiers from the conflict in Iraq.

link to artical:


Monday, September 24, 2007

Bush v congress for Health Care


Congress Set for Veto Fight on Child Health Care

New York Times, September 24

Supporters of the Child Health Care program began advertising to win the votes needed to override a veto threatened by President Bush. The House and the Senate compromised on a bill which would renew the child health program. The bill would cover four million children, in addition to the 6.6 million already enrolled.

Federal health officials urged states to draft contingency plans in case tens of thousands of children lose coverage. Dr. Rhonda M. Medows, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Community Health, said that up to 273,000 children in the state would “sustain a tragic loss of health care coverage” if the federal government did not renew or temporarily extend the program.

Monday September 17, a wide range of groups endorsed the compromise bill, saying it should be passed by Congress and signed by Mr. Bush. Although, Mr. Barton said, “The majority is passing a bill they know will be vetoed in hopes of making the president look as if he’s against health care for children.”

I don’t want American children without health care; if they could be cover by a government health care program they should be. The emotional stress put on the parents of a child that would lose health coverage is horrific, because the parents’ health and family life will suffer. It’s is terrible that political agenda of Democrats and Republicans will affect the lives of millions of people.

Link to the Article: