Monday, September 24, 2007

Bush v congress for Health Care


Congress Set for Veto Fight on Child Health Care

New York Times, September 24

Supporters of the Child Health Care program began advertising to win the votes needed to override a veto threatened by President Bush. The House and the Senate compromised on a bill which would renew the child health program. The bill would cover four million children, in addition to the 6.6 million already enrolled.

Federal health officials urged states to draft contingency plans in case tens of thousands of children lose coverage. Dr. Rhonda M. Medows, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Community Health, said that up to 273,000 children in the state would “sustain a tragic loss of health care coverage” if the federal government did not renew or temporarily extend the program.

Monday September 17, a wide range of groups endorsed the compromise bill, saying it should be passed by Congress and signed by Mr. Bush. Although, Mr. Barton said, “The majority is passing a bill they know will be vetoed in hopes of making the president look as if he’s against health care for children.”

I don’t want American children without health care; if they could be cover by a government health care program they should be. The emotional stress put on the parents of a child that would lose health coverage is horrific, because the parents’ health and family life will suffer. It’s is terrible that political agenda of Democrats and Republicans will affect the lives of millions of people.

Link to the Article:

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